21+ Glow Party
9:00pm - 11:59pm
Coastal Dayz Brewery
It’s time to turn off the lights and switch on the blacklights as we watch the taproom/patio illuminate with vibrant neon colors! That’s right, introducing our first ever GLOW PARTY! This event is like no other event we have ever done, come out on June 14th from 9pm-12am to see Coastal Dayz in a whole different light! From special neon drinks to glow in the dark beer pong, to free glowsticks and even glow in the dark food as well as a fully decorated taproom, this event is sure to be a glowing hit!
What are you waiting for, go ahead and mark your calendars down, book those babysitters (21+ event) and plan your perfect outfit. Don’t have an outfit in mind, no worries, just wear white and let our lights do the rest!